Enjoy it at Phrack.

It’s finally out. It feels a bit old and it is indeed a bit old but still a good paper (or at least I tried to make it that way). The supplied code is for an older version of that rootkit. For example it still has dependencies on importing task, proc and other kernel private structures. The updated version solves all required offsets so it supports easily new and old OS X versions. It will come out with the book together with other features that were added, and new ones I am poking around.

The book? Life has been chaotic, doesn’t help my brain is like electricity, always attraced by the least resistance path and by new things. I got new motivation and hopefully a team soon enough so I can dedicate myself to write it.
I can tell you that nemo wrote a treaty on DTrace. A bit more patience on this, I think it will be worth the wait.

Meanwhile, enjoy that long article, hopefully it is interesting enough.

Have fun,