SyScan13: Revisiting Mac OS X Rootkits presentation

SyScan 2013, 10th anniversary edition is over! It is a great conference and I hope it does not end here. I had lots of fun and met new interesting people. Thomas is an awesome host! It helps that I really like Singapore and Asia in general. My presentation was about Mac OS X kernel rootkits based on the article I submitted to Phrack. Because Phrack is late, I was trying to postpone public availability of my slides....

May 7, 2013 · 2 min · 244 words

OS.X/Boubou – Mach-O infector PoC source code

More than half a year as passed since HITCON'12 and as far as I know no one cared much about implementing some sort of detection/protection against this type of attack (correct me if I’m wrong). As explained in HITCON slides, this trick can be very useful to install backdoors and avoid the usual lame LaunchDaemons type of thing. I did some massive cleanup to the original PoC that I had glued for HITCON but it’s still a bit messy and definitely not “production” ready....

March 5, 2013 · 2 min · 236 words

Ice the Guardian v2, the OS X anti-lamware

Another day, another lame malware attacking and spying on OS X users, and still using the same old lame Daemons and Agents approach to gain persistence at victims machine. Hey, it works, so why change, right? Ice the Guardian v2 is a quick hack using TrustedBSD to monitor the system LaunchDaemons and LaunchAgents folders. There’s a lot of room for improvement so I’m waiting for your commits 😉. Apple has the technology in place so they could probably implement something like this default oin OS X....

February 14, 2013 · 1 min · 109 words

AV-monster: the monster that loves yummy OS X anti-virus software

Welcome to another “silly” evil idea that abuses bad design decisions, bad implementations and lazyness. It is the last of my ideas in a state of semi-disclosure so let’s move it to full disclosure status. The full disclosure discussion will probably never end. There are too many interests at stake, mostly in opposite directions. For me it’s worrisome that (security) products are available with notorious design/implementation flaws which put customers at risk and fail on their purpose....

February 13, 2012 · 5 min · 1009 words