gdbinit 7.1.7 and some bla bla bla...

Greetings ! For the past weeks I have been pretty much bored with any kind of reversing so all my projects are stopped. Today I decided to fix some bugs at gdbinit and the result is version 7.1.7. The assemble command is finally fixed, added some semi-useful commands and changed some colours. Nothing big 😄. Blackhat USA 2009 had a very interesting presentation about hacking Apple’s keyboard firmware updates. The paper and presentation are really very nice and create a very interesting attack vector....

August 5, 2009 · 1 min · 190 words

A little disassembler for MPress packer...

Since otool and otx can’t disassemble the packed binary, Andreas Gumundsson wrote a quick tool to do that job, using Udis86, a disassembler library for x86 and AMD64. Check the source to see the required compiler options. Example usage: $ ./disas -f mmpress.i386 -t macho | head -10 Found entrypoint inmemory address 0xd6b0 NCMDS 2 CMD 1 Looking in __MPRESS__v.1.21 Found entrypoint file offset 0x36b0 sub ebx, ebx mov edi, ebx call 0xd6b9 pop eax add eax, 0x27c Original source available here, and a local copy here....

July 23, 2009 · 1 min · 145 words

A memory dumper for Apple crypted binaries! Hurray !!!

Here it is, another example of my super l33t lame coding skills! This wonder code will decrypt an Apple crypted binary via memory dumping. Maybe direct decryption (based on Amit Singh code) would be easier and nicer, but I wanted to do it this way as a test and an exercise. The code has a lot of comments that should help you understand what is being done. Basically the trick is to load the binary and attach ptrace to it, and then dump using mach vm_read function....

July 8, 2009 · 2 min · 345 words

Onyx The Black Cat v0.3

Version 0.3 is here. A couple small bugs are fixed, module features can be controled via sysctl variables (enable or disable features) and code is split into different source files (it was a mess in a single file!). Tiger support is removed so it’s ready to work with Leopard 10.5.6. Check the README file for more info. As a bonus I discovered that DTrace equivalent to PT_DENY_ATTACH is P_LNOATTACH, and is bypassed due to our ptrace hijack....

March 25, 2009 · 1 min · 97 words

Mach-O binary offset calculator

I made a mistake in this tutorial! The way to calculate offsets to patch is wrong because I commited an inference error (analysed only a few binaries and assumed it to be correct). Found this while creating a program to calculate everything automatically. Check the code if you are interested in understanding how it’s done. Meanwhile I will update the tutorial… Without any further delays, I present you with Binary offset calculator....

March 13, 2009 · 2 min · 333 words