gdbinit v7.4.2, Github and Twitter

Hello, It seems like things are very quiet and I only push gdbinit updates. Well, I have been very busy with very interesting projects, most of which can’t see yet the “light of the day”. Need to find some time to fool around with some new stuff. It seems that VMprotect is coming to OS X and that is exciting news. I hope they finish it soon since I am curious about Mac specific implementation and tricks....

August 11, 2011 · 2 min · 406 words

gdbinit v7.4

Hello, Just posting a small update to gdbinit. A friend asked for colouring the registers changes as it happens in Ollydbg. I have enabled it by default (modify variable SHOWREGCHANGES if you don’t like it). I have also added a colour patch that Phillipe sent me – it will colour the 1st line of the disassembly (by default it’s off, modify variable SETCOLOUR1STLINE). Here it is a screenshot of both options enabled:...

June 20, 2011 · 1 min · 154 words

Small update to gdbinit and to the website

I decided to mess around with this blog template style sheets and use a better font and change some minor things. I added three new pages at the navigation bar – one with all available gdbinit files in this site, another for my GDB patches and a tag cloud (still have to tag old posts). I will also add a page with all source code published here. This small gdbinit update implements some fixes and a new command rint3 (check the file header for the changelog)....

March 7, 2011 · 2 min · 249 words

Update to GDB patches – fix for a "new" bug

I was messing around with SoftwarePassport and Amit Singh’s tiny executable to find out why GDB doesn’t breakpoint in those two executables. I thought it was due to incomplete headers, but GDB can’t also breakpoint into nicertiny, which has the segment/section added (otool/otx problems can be fixed by manually adding the missing section – there is enough padding space in the header to do that so SoftwarePassport developers might want to fix that)....

February 21, 2011 · 2 min · 228 words

Another update to gdbinit for iOS and ARM support to and

I have fixed some of the missing stuff in gdbinit for iOS. Now the jump conditions are displayed for ARM and Thumb modes and the stepo command is working for ARM and semi-working for Thumb (to be fixed in the next release). Also implemented minor cosmetic changes. The tools to show Mach-O header information and calculate offsets to be patched were also updated to support ARM binaries. is by default interactive (you can choose from the available architectures in the binary, if fat), and ptool....

February 3, 2011 · 1 min · 170 words