ExtractMachO: an IDA plugin to extract Mach-O binaries from disassembly

This is an IDA plugin to extract Mach-O binaries located in IDA disassembly, either code or data segments. For now it only supports 32 or 64 isolated binaries and not fat binaries. It also expects a normal formatted binary, not something mangled as my crackme for example. I expect to add support for fat binaries soon. Why did I created this plugin? Everyone is talking about the latest OS X malware, Crisis (or whatever other name everyone is using – AV scene is so lame that no one respects the first name given, blah!...

July 30, 2012 · 1 min · 200 words

HITCON 2012 Review and slides

After more than 30h inside planes and airports, I’m finally back home! Asia 2012 tour is over. HITCON was really great and well organized. It was bigger than I expected, with lots of curious and cool people. Went in the mood and took many pictures with everyone – there goes my anonymity! My speaking slot was after lunch, which is a tough one. I could only spot half a dozen sleeping so I might have done a good job....

July 27, 2012 · 2 min · 313 words

Secuinside 2012 Review and Slides

After 27h flying around the world and hanging at airports I’m finally back home. Secuinside 2012 in Seoul was fantastic! The organization was really great and most of all, exceptionally friendly and awesome hosts. There are minor details to work at for next year but these guys had a very short time frame to organize this one. Lots of hard work behind it! They definitely have the talent required to take it to the next step....

July 13, 2012 · 2 min · 312 words

See you in Asia!

I will be presenting in Taiwan at HiTCON, and in Seoul at Secuinside. If you are there, come and say hi! I don’t bite. The HiTCON presentation will be focused on OS X malware and Secuinside about starting reversing adventures in OS X/iOS. While slides shouldn’t be the presentation main focus, I’m trying to make them usable for everyone outside the conferences. It’s not an easy task and the introduction to reversing is revealing itself much harder than I thought....

June 25, 2012 · 1 min · 115 words

"Sandwich" CrackMe tutorial by qwertyoruiop

This is a cracking and keygen tutorial by the reader qwertyoruiop. He’s having fun doing the crackmes and I asked him to write tutorials about them and he did it! So here it is the first in full glory. Things been quiet around here but busy in real life. I wanted to write a few posts about OS X malware but I’m going to present at a conference in July on that topic (hopefully something interesting!...

June 4, 2012 · 1 min · 96 words