Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and some notes...

Merry Christmas or whatever applies or not to your particular case, and much more important, Happy New Year! The world is messed up and it will probably get worse in 2012. Cheer up and be positive! Let me write some quick notes about some stuff: Take a look at Snare’s presentation about OS X Rootkits! Available at Papers section or here. Check out the fantastic Hopper disassembler and decompiler here or at the Mac App Store....

December 18, 2011 · 2 min · 336 words

Evil iTunes Plugins from Hell

Let me start this with some sort of disclaimer. I do not support/condone stealing credit card information, logins, and other personal information. Disclosing security issues is always a double edge sword and a tricky problem with some politics in the mix. This problem was reported almost 3 months ago to Apple. It’s still not fixed after, at least, two iTunes releases. I perfectly understand the business side of fixing bugs and how business most of the times must come first (I have experience in critical environments where these type of problems can cost a lot of money and bad publicity)....

November 22, 2011 · 3 min · 577 words

gdbinit v7.4.3

A small update to gdbinit. Many thanks to snare and Plouj for their reports 😃. Here is the changelog: Version 7.4.3 (04/11/2011) – Modified “hexdump” command to support a variable number of lines (optional parameter). – Removed restrictions on type of addresses used in the “dd” command. – Modified the assemble command to support 64bits – You will need to recompile nasm since the version shipped with OS X doesn’t supports 64bits (www....

November 4, 2011 · 1 min · 168 words

Display Mach-O headers plugin for IDA

This is a simple plugin to display Mach-O headers inside IDA, something I miss from time to time. It was a good excuse to mess a little with IDA SDK. It’s not quite what I had initially in mind but it does the job. I was thinking about something more sophisticated such as allow to display only the segment you wanted and so on. Now I am not sure if it’s worth the effort....

November 3, 2011 · 2 min · 346 words

How to create IDA C/C++ plugins with Xcode

This is just a simple post about using Xcode to create IDA C/C++ plugins. Nothing fancy here. For great references about IDA SDK plugin writing check out The IDA Pro Book by Chris Eagle and tutorial. Xcode 3.2.6 is the reference version used. The resulting project loads and compiles without any issues into Xcode 4. Why not doing this in 4? Human brain is misterious (3.x still loads by default on my system)....

October 31, 2011 · 2 min · 417 words